
Online Calculator Supports Healthy Events & Exhibitions

Crowd Density Calculator tool simplifies crowd density computations for event planners 

The Expo Group, an exhibitions and events partner that invests in growth, released a Crowd Density Calculator today that can be used by anyone seeking to better understand their attendee-to-square-footage capacity. A free widget has also been made available to the industry.

“As we start Moving Forward Together with industry guidelines, our team saw an opportunity to ease the way for others in the industry with these online calculators,” says President and CEO Randy Pekowski. “We invite everyone to try it out, and anyone can place the widget on their websites to promote the healthy and safe return of trade shows and events.”

To try the Crowd Density Calculator please visit Crowd Density Calculator

De-densification is believed to be important in reducing the spread of COVID-19 when used with other measures. Spreading out people in spaces strategically can keep the compelling nature of face-to-face engagement.


The industry guidelines from the International Association of Exhibitions and Events and the International Association of Venue Managers recommend 28 square feet per person, which creates a capacity limit just under 50% of that required by fire codes in the United States. The calculator applies the 28-square-foot standard to the gross square footage to help determine the number of humans that can be safely in the space. The calculator allows users to subtract a percentage of space for equipment or staging areas and reminds all that staff and exhibitor personnel must count toward the total allotted capacity.

The Expo Group Crowd Density Calculator is just the latest resource the company has released to support the return of face-to-face events and trade shows. The Expo Group has released tactical health and safety protocols as well as strategic creative resources for professionals grappling with the impact of COVID-19.

The Expo Group does not provide medical or legal advice. This tool is for informational purposes only.

About The Expo Group

The Expo Group helps grow revenues and advance causes through the design and execution of compelling, memorable experiences. Imagination fuels our passion to create trade shows, events and exhibits that engage people on a higher level. The company has headquarters near Dallas with offices in Chicago, Las Vegas, and Orlando. Learn more at

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