
Crowd Density Calculator

Calculate your attendee capacity to maintain healthy distancing for trade shows and events. Our tool is provided here as we all continue to navigate our every changing industry.

To use The Expo Group’s Crowd Density Calculator, enter your gross square footage available at the top, then enter any amount of square footage that is inaccessible so it can be subtracted from the gross amount. If you have exhibitors who bring in a large amount of product to display, enter up to half of your square footage as inaccessible. Others enter a reduction amount of a quarter or even zero based on their type of event. The 28 square feet per person is based on IAEE and IAVM guidelines published this summer and indicating a 6-foot radius for physical distancing. This amount is almost double fire code regulations and thereby reduces capacity by more than 50%, a figure mandated by some public health departments for other establishments where people gather.

After that, be sure to enter numbers for exhibitor personnel and any staff that will be in the allotted space before entering your Attendance number. These are all deducted from the available capacity level so that when you press Calculate your results will appear.

The Crowd Density Calculator input numbers can be adjusted as you work in different spaces or under different public health expectations. If the Results calculation shows you do not have enough space, consider staggered entry procedures for attendees at ticketed times they choose or by simply scheduling alphabetically by name.

Crowd Density Calculator
Gross Square Footage:
Reduction for Inaccessible Space (square footage taken by exhibit structures, product):
Square Footage Per Person: (IAEE/IAVM standard is 28sf)
Total Number of Exhibitor Personnel:
Total Number of Staff (Yours and Contractors):
Expected Attendance:
Available Participant Capacity
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